About Nikki Goeser


Nicole “Nikki” Goeser lives in Tennessee and is a graduate of The University of Tennessee at Knoxville where she earned her degree in Psychology. Nikki became a Second Amendment Activist and Victims’ Rights Advocate after the brutal murder of her husband “Ben” by a man that had been stalking her. Nikki is the Executive Director for the Crime Prevention Research Center. She has been featured on programs such as Fox & Friends, Nightline, Fox Business with John Stossel, ABC News, CNN, the Sean Hannity Radio Show, The BBC, NRA News and The Investigation Discovery Channel (Obsession: Dark Desires- Season 1, Episode 7). Nikki was awarded the Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award by the National Rifle Association in 2012 for her activism supporting the basic human right of self defense.

Meet Nikki

December 11, 2019 @ 7am CST

on Fox & Friends

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December 23, 2019  @ 8pm CST

on Tucker Carlson Tonight

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